Production has begun on the animated series Oki’s Oasis, the first western for preschoolers. It stars actress and singer-songwriter Mandy Moore (Disney’s Tangled) as the voice of Oki, a kitty cat sheriff who ensures that the town of Nice and Friendly Corners remains the friendliest town in the West. The series is slated to premiere in 2013 on Disney Junior channels and programming blocks around the world. The announcement was made today by Nancy Kanter, Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide.

Kanter said: “Oki’s Oasis uses the legend of the Old West to impart social skills and lessons for young kids about being a good friend and neighbor, reinforcing what parents are already teaching their children at home about forgiveness, honesty and sharing. The series further demonstrates Disney Junior’s dedication to programming that highlights the importance of great, heartfelt storytelling as an impetus for learning and development.”

Set in the colorful Wild West, Oki’s Oasis follows Sheriff Oki and her deputy woodpecker, Peck, as they watch over their pleasant little frontier town. Although known as the friendliest town in the West, Oki and Peck work hard to keep it that way and when trouble comes a-callin’, they make sure it doesn’t stay long. By their side is Oki’s sweet-natured sidekick, Kiko, a loveable cactus with a predisposition to see the good in everything and who is always ready to lend a helping hand. Each episode features two 11-minute stories and has two original songs.

Oki’s Oasis is a production of W!LDBRAIN Entertainment, a DHX Media company, in association with Disney Junior. The series was created by Denis Morella and George Evelyn and developed for television by Holly Huckins, the team behind Disney’s Higglytown Heroes. Morella and Huckins are executive producers and Evelyn is co-executive producer.

Chris Arrant