The Croatian Animation Cultural Exchange* presents an evening of historical animations from Croatia (1957-1978) with works by Nikola Kostelac, Vatroslav Mimica, Zlatko Grgic and more. The program is presented by Vanja Hraste who is a visiting program director of the film-club association of Croatia.
San Francisco – Sunday, January 29th, 8pm
Artists’ Television Access, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 824-3890
East Bay – Saturday, February 4th, 8pm
Studio Quercus, 385 26th Street Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 452-4670
$7 pre-sale / $10 at the door
North Bay – Sunday, February 5th, 4:15pm
Christopher B. Smith Rafael Theater 1118 Fourth Street, San Rafael CA 94901
(415) 454-1222
Zagreb School of Animated film
In 1958, at a Cannes film festival, a film critic Georges Sadoul got his first chance to see animated films made by Zagreb Film company. He noticed that all these films had several elements in common: the sketch like drawings, there were no words spoken, just the music and the sounds and that they all dealt with serious topics. Therefore Sadoul decided, on the spot, to create a term which will be from then known as Zagreb School of Animated film.This term was used whenever animated films from Zagreb were in question. In the history of animated film, the Zagreb school played an outstandingly creative role. It brought together many artistic talents who all had a strong will for artistic experimenting. In many of the works the animators created a space with only two dimensions and with movements in which the character movements were reduced and abstract. In these films, the authors challanged the laws of physics and created animations closer to the art avantgarde. The Zagreb authors also brought existential and social questions into animated film with themes such as old age, death, sickness and aggression. At the time these themes were mainly avoided by other animation studios. Zagreb School of Animated film represents a strong acquisition to the aesthetics of animated film. It is quite a unique phenomenon to witness a group of artists working together at one spot, contributing on different projects and at the same time maintaining and developing personal styles and work mode.
Premijera Opening Night Nikola Kostelac 1957. 9:48
Inspektor se vratio kući The Inspector Returned Home Vatroslav Mimica 1959. 11:34
or Samac Alone 1958. 12 Vatroslav Mimica
Surogat Ersatz Dušan Vukotić 1961. 9: 36
Don Kihot Don Quixote Vladimir Kristl 1961. 10: 42
Vau vau Wow — wow Boris Kolar 1964. 9: 13
Peti The Fifht One Pavao Štalter, Zlatko Grgić 1964. 2:42
Zid The Wall Ante Zaninović 1965. 3:32
Muha The Fly Aleksandar Marks, Vladimir Jutriša 1966. 8: 16
Idu dani Passing Days Nedeljko Dragić 1969. 10:07
Maska crvene smrti Mask of the Red Death Pavao Štalter, Branko Ranitović 1969. 9: 42
Mačka The Cat Zlatko Bourek 1971. 10: 10
Vrata Maxi Cat Zlatko Grgić 1972. 1
Tenis Maxi Cat Zlatko Grgić 1973. 1
Uže Maxi Cat Zlatko Grgić 1976. 1
Satiemania Satiemania Zdenko Gašparović 1978. 14:15
Škola hodanja Learning to Walk Borivoj Dovniković-Bordo, 1978. 08: 24
*The Croatian Animation Cultural Exchange is directed by Sarah Klein and David Kwan with John Morrison and Croatian Film Association. All films are produced by Zagreb Film and images are provided by Croatian Cinematheque. Funding and support are provided by Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Zagreb Film and California Film Institute. Presenters are Smith Rafael Film Center, Studio Quercus and Artists’ Television Access. Thanks to The Urban School, Canal Alliance and Marin TV.

Chris Arrant

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