Advertising Makes the Brew Go Round Advertising Makes the Brew Go Round

Readers of Cartoon Brew may have noticed that in the past week we have introduced Google text ads on this website. We want to stress that this will in no way affect the editorial content on this website and none of our writing will ever be influenced by the advertisers. Also, we have no control over which advertisers Google’s automated system chooses to place on our site, and we do not endorse any of these advertisers. Both of us have been reluctant to pursue advertising opportunities for the Brew because we enjoy being poor, but the reality is that we want the site to pay for itself and perhaps give us a few nickels and dimes on top of that. Google ads are a good solution because they allow us to remain objective while creating a steady revenue stream. To that end, if you enjoy and read Cartoon Brew regularly, please take the time to click on the Google ads in the right hand column. You don’t have to click today or tomorrow, but if every reader clicks on one of those ads every so often, we can continue to keep this site free without having to ask our readers for money. It’s a win-win situation for everybody…we hope.

Jerry Beck

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