Call For Entries: Video Festival Imperia
Imperia, Italy — Registration is now open for the Video Festival Imperia (International Festival of Cinematographic Digital Art), held in Imperia, Italy. The 8th edition of the festival will be held April 23 — 27, 2013, and the deadline for submissions is January 28, 2013.
For the third consecutive time, Video Festival Imperia has been placed under the high patronage of UNESCO for “the high value of the initiative aimed at promoting arts and at the preservation of the different expressions that make up the inestimable heritage of cultural diversity.”
The 2013 edition of the festival boasts five full days of screenings and events, including more than 100 works to select from and screen to the public. Four competitive categories — Shorts, Documentaries, Animation, and the new Explorer category — are divided in fourteen different sections for professionals, amateurs, schools and international participants.
For additional details, rules and entry forms, visit www.videofestivalimperia.org.