“Guardians” Getting The Last Laugh

A funny thing happened to Dreamworks’ Rise of The Guardians on its way to box-office oblivion – it’s quietly becoming a hit.
In its third weekend in release, 19 days at the box-office, Guardians was the number #2 film in the U.S. (grossing $10.5 million, with a total come of $61.9 to date), behind James Bond’s Skyfall, and ahead of Twilight Breaking Dawn 2, Lincoln, Life of Pi and Wreck-It Ralph (who’s $164.4 million gross is nothing to sneeze at).
The Hollywood trade press once again reveals its strange double standard when reporting on animated films. Unless its a blockbuster – animated films aren’t worth talking about. This article in today’s L.A. Times, a survey of the weekend box office, doesn’t even mention the number #2 film, Rise of The Guardians, in its text!
Deadline Hollywood was quick last week to report on Guardians causing Dreamworks stock to drop, quoting a Wall Street insider who called it “one of the most disappointing releases in the company’s history”. But this week the blog barely mentions Guardians rise to #2 – still calling the film a “disappointment”.
Apparently it’s not a disappointment to family audiences worldwide – in fact, The Associated Press reports Guardians is currently the #1 film in international markets, with a box office gross last weekend of $26 million. The combined US and international gross for the film in less than a month in release is over $152 million – and counting.
This post isn’t about the pros and cons of Rise of the Guardians itself – and perhaps the film isn’t doing the numbers Dreamworks hoped it would. This post is about the hypocrisy (and perhaps conspiracy) of industry reporters who continue to treat animated films as second class citizens. Unless it’s a blockbuster or has a director too big to ignore, animation doesn’t fit into the glamorous scenario the Hollywood reporters wish to spin – audiences and box office grosses be damned.
(Thanks, Nick Bruel)