Cartoon Network Studios stairwell Cartoon Network Studios stairwell

Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) launched a new website today,, dedicated to the preservation of the iconic art-filled stairwell in its former downtown Burbank studio.

The building was the home of CNS from 2000 until last year, when operations moved to Warner Bros. Discovery’s new Second Century Development in south Burbank, near the main Warner Bros. lot.

The effort to digitally preserve the stairwell was led by CNS executive producer Calvin Wong (We Baby Bears). The company explained more about the project in a press release:

This space was a living testament to the studio’s collective creativity, where anyone from artists to accountants and everyone in between, left their unique mark on the walls in the form of drawings, doodles, and sketches. … [E]very inch of the stairwell was meticulously scanned and photographed, resulting in the creation of an interactive website which presents a ‘flythrough’ 3D tour of the space, allowing animation fans to explore every piece of art. CNS artists, past and present, who contributed to the stairwell will also be able to contribute to the site by submitting annotations to their work via a special link on the page.

“Cartoon Network Studios will always be a home for creators,” said Sam Register, president, Warner Bros. Animation, Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe. “As we continue to further that legacy in our new buildings, it’s a joy to pay tribute to this beloved space for the animation community to enjoy and continue to be inspired.”

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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