If you’re unable to travel to Spain this week for the Animac animation fesitval, fret not. Spanish animation is coming to you…if you live in Los Angeles.

Tomorrow evening, Cinefamily will present “Locura Española,” a program of contemporary Spanish animation curated by Francesc Xavier de Manuel Ruiz, formerly a programmer at Animac. Here’s the trailer for tomorrow’s show:

The program will include the following shorts:

Viaje a Pies (Travel by Feet) by Khris Cembe
The Day I Killed My Best Friend by Antonio J. Busto
The Vein / Magma by DVEIN
Amor de Mono by Trimono
Astigmatismo by Nicolai Troshinsky
Sangre de Unicornio by Alberto Vázquez
Light + Rainbow Guardians by Christian Villacañas
Doraemon at the 2020 Neo-Tokyo Olympic Games by Aleix Pitarch
Doomed by Guillermo García Carsí
Jamón by Iria Lopez
Bendito Machine V – Pull the Trigger by Jossie Malis
Strange Oaks and I’m A Monster trailers by Headless
Manolito’s Dream by Txesco Montalt (Alla Kinda)

The screening begins at 10:15pm. Tickets are $12, or free for Cinefamily members. Visit Cinefamily.org for more info.

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