June 06, 2006



Once again, our buddy Bob Bergen (current day voice of Porky Pig) is hosting another Voice Over Cruise up the west coast. Says Bob:

My 2006 VO cruise was such a hit I've decided to do another one in April, 2007. I'm promoting now because the ship needs to reserve cabins way in advance. Prices and cabin availability are subject to change after August 16, 2006.

Here's the scoop on my next one. This is a five night cruise from Los Angeles to Vancouver, with stops in San Francisco and Victoria, BC. In addition to my animation VO workshop, this excursion will also include commercial workshops with Leigh Gilbert and promo workshops with Joyce Castellanos. We only have 60 cabins held!

One more thing!!! If people mention they heard about the cruise on Cartoon Brew I'll give them 10% off the workshop! (This is good only for the workshops, not the cruise itself!)

See, it pays to read CARTOON BREW! Check out Bob's website for more details on this exciting animation vacation. And Bon Voyage!

Posted by JERRY at June 6, 2006 11:30 AM