October 06, 2004


Long time readers of my Cartoon Research website know that I'm absolutely fanatic over original titles. In fact I have a whole section of my website devoted to it.

When I discovered how much better my favorite classic cartoons played in their original form, before being butched by TV syndicators (and in many cases, the studios themselves), it was a revelation. Thus I began a campaign to locate and restore the original openings and closes - and raise people's consciousness about it. Some of the results of this work were seen on Cartoon Network's late POPEYE SHOW and on dvds like SOMEWHERE IN DREAMLAND.

Fellow film collector Jim Tucker just came into some films, saved for over 60 years, that were part of a World War II film collection. In this collection was a 1942 Terrytoon with it's original titles intact. It struck me immediately that I'd never seen the black & white titles to Terrytoons produced during this era - all the prints I've ever seen have replaced TV titles.

Thanks to Jim, I've added these frame grabs to my Terrytoon Original Titles page - and this gives me a good excuse to remind you I have several of these pages, here, where you can see what we've been missing all these years.

Posted by at October 6, 2004 03:28 PM