Breaking: MeTV Toons, A New, Free 24/7 Cartoon Network, Will Launch This June In The U.S.

“An earnest ball of yarn named Purl gets a job in a fast-paced, high energy, bro-tastic start-up. Yarny hijinks ensue as she tries to fit in, but how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for, and in the end, is it worth it?”

Written and dircted by Kristen Lester, USA, 2018.

Part of Pixar’s new Sparkshorts short film initiative.

Lester explains that the idea for the short was inspired by her experiences working in the animation industry:

It’s based on my experience being in animation. My first job I was like the only woman in the room. In order to do the thing that I loved, I sort of became one of the guys. And then I came to Pixar and I started to work on teams with women for the first time. And that actually made me realize how much of the female aspect of myself I had buried and left behind.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Publisher and Editor-at-large.