Exclusive: Watch clips from a new Bugs Bunny TV special that premieres July 27

Pixar storyboard artist Bill Presing will unveil his new pin-up calendar Horoscope Honeys tonight, June 29th, at Gallery Nucleus (210 East Main St, Alhambra, CA 91801). Presing will be in attendance to sign the calendars. All thirteen original paintings featured in the calendar will be exhibited and available for purchase.

Gallery Nucleus is actually holding a dual-opening reception on Saturday. In addition to Presing’s show, they will also host the opening of the group art show “Yesterday’s Tomorrow.” The opening receptions for both shows run between 7-10pm. For more details, visit GalleyNucleus.com.

Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Publisher and Editor-at-large.

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