First Look at Disney’s ‘Pickle & Peanut’

Earlier today at Comic-Con’s Gravity Falls panel, Disney served up a sneak peek of its upcoming series Pickle & Peanut, unveiling both its opening title sequence:
…and a brief clip from the show:
Created by Noah Z. Jones (Fish Hooks) and developed by Joel Trussell (Electric City), the Disney XD-targeted series aims for a “sensibility unlike anything on TV,” according to Disney TV Animation exec Eric Coleman.
While the sensibility may be unlike other TV cartoons, it feels nonetheless familiar. Teens and twenty-somethings have explored the anything-goes hodge-podge in online cartoons for years now. As evident by the preview, Disney has added polish to the formula and elevated the visual style to TV animation standards — with the help of Halifax, Canada-based Copernicus Studios. It will be worth watching to see if the random humor approach, often funny in small doses, holds up at episodic length.
Speaking of Internet animation, Disney is paying attention to it as never before. They’ve also released a few shorts and a teaser for Two More Eggs Tuesdays, a nascent Internet and TV series from the creators of the online relic Homestar Runner. Disney TV Animation future and Internet past look much the same nowadays: