Exclusive: Watch clips from a new Bugs Bunny TV special that premieres July 27

Australian animation studio Rubber House has completed a series of bumpers and idents Adult Swim. The eight pieces, which range from ten seconds to over a minute, are currently airing on the channel, and will also be posted on Rubber House’s Tumblr throughout this week.

“Seriously the best project we’ve ever been involved in,” say the boys at Rubber House, Greg Sharp and Ivan Dixon. “We were asked to go nuts…no restrictions on style or subject.” Unlike their previous projects, Sharp and Dixon directed the Adult Swim pieces separately—Sharp out of Sydney and Dixon working from Melbourne.

The pieces were produced over the course of two-and-a-half months. Rubber House said that they “took the opportunity to bring in some big-talent who we’ve been wanting to work with for a while”: Charles Huettner (US), Vincent Tsui (France), and Australians Andrew Onorato, Hannah Murdoch, Courtney Hopkinson, and Nikhil Markale.

Written, designed, animated by Greg Sharp
Additional animation by Vincent Tsui and Nikhil Markale
Additional clean-up by Hannah Murdoch
Sound design by James Brown & Adult Swim

Written, designed, animated by Greg Sharp for Rubber House
Sound design by James Brown & Adult Swim

Written, designed, animated by Ivan Dixon
3D models by Courtney Hopkinson
Voice: Isy Suttie & Ivan Dixon
Music & Sound by Adult Swim

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