Artist of the Day: H. Faye Kahn

H. Faye Kahn
Brooklyn, NY
Primary media:
Digital [Photoshop], mechanical pencil
Rhode Island School of Design [film/animation/video, 2010]
Major projects:
ESCAPE FROM BRIGHT & SHINING self-published comics zine [author/artist, 2013]
Sponsored animated GIF post for IHOP on BuzzFeed [animator, 2014]
Hello Children with Faye WFMU radio show [radio host/DJ]
What is the most valuable piece of artistic advice you have ever received, and from who?
“This is a tough question―I find most advice really difficult to follow unless I’ve learned it myself the hard way. Ha! My meditation teacher did say something really helpful once: that you should try to not closely identify with titles like ‘artist’ because then when you aren’t feeling creative you’ll feel a kind of identity crisis, like something is wrong with you―which makes it extra painful and difficult to get through creative block/bad drawing day/etc. Sometimes you feel creative, sometimes you don’t; sometimes you feel extroverted, sometimes you feel introverted―all of those things are you, not just one of them. All of them are part of human nature. It’s a little cheesy, but I really find it reassuring to remember this.”
Website/Tumblr/WFMU show/BuzzFeed IHOP Sponsored Post