The thirteenth volume of Walt’s People: Talking Disney with the Artists Who Knew Him has been released. I own at least half of the volumes, and while the length and quality of the interviews varies widely, Disney researchers, historians and fans will discover worthwhile nuggets in each and every edition. The latest volume, edited as always by Disney historian Didier Ghez, is nearly 600 pages and includes material from a who’s who of Disney historians including John Canemaker, Jim Korkis, John Culhane, Michael Barrier, and the late Robin Allan.

Here is the contents of volume 13:

Foreword by Dave Smith
Jim Korkis: Virginia Davis
John Culhane: Reg Massie
John Canemaker: George Bakes
Paul F. Anderson: Milt Neil
John Culhane: Al Dempster
John Culhane: Joe Grant
John Culhane: Woolie Reitherman
Michael Broggie: Becky and Carla Fallberg
Dave Smith: Jean Erwin
John Canemaker: John P. Miller
Milton Zolotow and Lawrence Weschler: Jules Engel
Michael Barrier: Fred Kopietz
Dave Smith: Don Duckwall
Pete Docter: John Sibley
Malcolm Willits: George Sherman
Malcolm Willits: Floyd Gottfredson
Robin Allan: Richard Todd
Les Perkins: Roy E. Disney
Les Perkins: Stormy Palmer
Les Perkins: Paul Kenworthy
Les Perkins: Hunt and Chris Hibler
Jim Korkis & Didier Ghez: Boyd Shaffer
Paul F. Anderson: Fess Parker
Didier Ghez: Dave Spafford
Alberto Becattini: Bob Moore
Didier Ghez: Blaine Gibson
Jay Horan: X. Atencio
Michael Broggie: Don Iwerks
Didier Ghez: Tony Baxter

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(Above: Volume 13 cover art by John Musker)

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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