I’ve received a slew of messages in the past week from people who pre-ordered Full Steam Ahead!, which is the biography I wrote about the life of animation legend Ward Kimball. People who pre-ordered the book on Amazon have been receiving updates that say the book’s release date has been delayed from November 2012 until May 2013.

According to my editor at Chronicle Books, the earliest possible date that Ward’s biography will be available is June 2013. The book was wrapped up a long time ago, and was submitted for approval to the Walt Disney Company last January. The Disney company hasn’t approved the book yet. I am hopeful that we will resolve all the corporate issues soon and get this book released so we can talk about what’s really important: Ward’s creative accomplishments.

In the meantime, you can show your support by visiting the Ward Kimball Tumblr (updated DAILY), and please, keep on pre-ordering the book!

(Note: The cover design above is not final.)

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