Disney Tags the English Coastline with 260-Feet High Cartoon Characters

Disney launched Disney Infinity in the UK by plastering the characters from the game onto the landmark White Cliffs of Dover along the English coastline. The images stretched 1600 feet across and 260 feet tall.
The projections are part of a bigger illumination package, Digital Disney Parade, in which animated versions of the game’s characters are projected around London.
Mount Rushmore this ain’t—H&M recently projected an image of underwear-clad David Beckham onto the same cliffs to sell tighty whities. No word on how much Disney spent to tag this natural wonder with its cartoon imagery. Whatever it cost though, Disney needs to find creative ways to spend the record $42 billion—with a capital B—that the company made in 2012. Cheap spectacle is as good as any other.
(via Daily Mail)