Lockdown animation in June Lockdown animation in June

Animation production has proceeded apace through the pandemic, as we well know. Here’s some grassroots proof: a grab bag of independent short films made under, and mostly about, lockdown.

We published a first collection of quarantine shorts a month ago, at which point we invited readers to submit more. The seven films below were picked from the deluge of entries.

Even when the titles — Try to Remain Calm, 1 Bottle o’ Wine, Quarantine of the Damned! — suggest desperation, the films themselves confront this strangest of periods with wit, humor, and philosophy.

Try to Remain Calm by Alexandra Grimanis & Steven Woloshen

1.5 Metres Apart by Stefan Wernik:

Quarantine Kat by Jerold Howard:

1 Bottle o’ Wine by Anne Isensee:

Eyesolation by Jason Reicher:

An Ode to the Little Lemon by D. Forest Gamble:

Quarantine of the Damned! Part I: Mummy by Jon Portman:

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