The Academy Has Created A Dedicated Animation Branch
The Academy has split its short film and feature animation branch into two, and will give feature animation two spots on its board of governors.
The Academy has split its short film and feature animation branch into two, and will give feature animation two spots on its board of governors.
Representatives from this year’s Oscar-nominated animated films will be in attendance for a pair of panels and screenings of the animated short nominees.
The nominees shared their favorite shots with us and explained what makes them special.
The Academy Awards, which had never before recognized an animated short from the Middle East, nominated two animated shorts from that region today.
A look at the animation and vfx titles nominated for this year’s Oscars by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
We charted ten years of Rotten Tomatoes data to see what critics thought about animated feature Oscar nominees.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
Shortlisted directors describe their visual development approach and how they adjusted the style or techniques they’d used on previous work.
Lord and Miller appeared on ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ to promote their film, which will get a theatrical and IMAX re-release on January 19.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year’s Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.