
The Who, the What, and the When is a new book by Jenny Volvovski, Julia Rothman and Matt Lamothe that celebrates the “secret sidekicks of history” who propelled famous historical figures to greatness. Each of the 65 sidekicks receives a one-page write-up and an illustration.

It was a delight for me to be invited to contribute the essay on Ward Kimball and his role in sparking Walt Disney’s interest in trains. The illustration of Ward was done by Los Angeles-based illustrator Ellen Surrey:


The trio who put together the book—Volvovski, Rothman and Lamothe—also happen to be partners in the design firm Also Design, whose work will be familiar to any Carton Brew reader since they designed our site’s iconic logo.

Lamothe also created the following animated trailer to promote The Who, the What, and the When:

The book, published by Chronicle Books, can be picked up on Amazon for $19. A book launch party will take place Friday at Powerhouse Books in Brooklyn, New York. For more details, see the Facebook invite.