‘Keep It Clever Australia’ Uses Animation To Promote Public Investment in Education

While animation is most often used as an entertainment form, it can also used to educate, and increasingly, to advocate for social causes. We saw animation yesterday for a gun safety PSA in the United States, and now we turn to Australia where Universities Australia is promoting its Keep It Clever Australia campaign to stress the value of public funding for university education and research.
The 96-second hand-drawn spot was produced at Mighty Nice, founded by Darren Price in a partnership with London-based Nexus Productions. (Price was the head of CG animation at Nexus for many years.) The animation was directed by Alex Grigg, whose debut short Phantom Limb appeared as part of Late Night Work Club’s Ghost Stories compilation, and screened as a stand-alone short at the Sundance Film Festival last January.
Director: Darren Price
Designer: Pete Yong
Animation Director: Alex Grigg
Animator: Mike Singca, Ben Ommundson, Aaron McDonald
Compositor: Denis Bouyer
Artworker: Ling Sui
Agency: McCann