Mike Carlo is an animator at Titmouse’s N.Y. Studio, and the animation director on Superjail. Over the last few years Carlo has been working on a bunch of his own short films, (we posted one of them two years ago, The President of the Universe). Says Carlo:

“Someone from Nick development saw Science Fare a year ago and I’ve been working on pitches for them ever since. I’m always working on another one, I try to do one a year for a show an animator friend of mine throws each year out here in N.Y. It’s called Midsummer Night Toons, and every year 5-6 animators make original shorts and premiere them at the show, so its been great motivation to make something. I hand draw everything, and provide the voices for most of the characters.”

These are very polished, professional cartoons that look as good – and are just as funny – as anything on Adult Swim or Comedy Central. I predict he’ll be running his own show very soon.

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