Top Story: ‘Inside Out 2’ Artists Had To Crunch Seven Days A Week For Months To Finish Film
Manshen, Anna Manshen, Anna

Our recent travels through Instagram have been confined to a two-dimensional plane. Not intentionally, mind — we simply ended up on a trail of wonderful accounts from 2d animators and illustrators, each leading us to the next through the magic of algorithms.

So there’s the (loose) theme for our latest Insta spotlight: the beauty of flatness. Many of these arists are indie filmmakers, some may be known to you through their high-profile commissioned work, and one is an old-school pencil-on-paper animator from Seoul’s Studio Mir.


Anna Katalin Lovrity belongs to a remarkable generation of young Hungarian animators centered on the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. Her Instagram displays the bold digital collage aesthetic she’s developed in short films like Volcano Island:

Our next artist doesn’t give his name in Roman letters, only Korean script. But with the help of a transliteration service and the credits from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, we’re identifying him as Cho Jae Hyoung. He doesn’t upload much art, but recent posts show how he and his colleagues at Studio Mir animated the hit Dreamworks show on paper:

Also from South Korea is Dahee Jeong, the creator of metaphysical shorts beloved on the festival circuit (her 2014 film Man on the Chair won the top prize at Annecy). Her Instagram is full of meditative sketches, paintings, and photos:

Best known as an illustrator, the London-based Manshen Lo also directs animation — she made the signal film for GLAS Festival last year. Her pastel-hued, ligne-claire landscapes are tinged with melancholy:

Jonathan Djob Nkondo is a French-born, London-based illustrator and animator whose roster of clients includes MTV and The New York Times. His animations play imaginatively with geometric shape language against very simple backgrounds:

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