CB Fest, our new series of online short film premieres, launches this evening with Golden Oldies (2016), a slapstick rock ‘n’ roll cartoon with a nostalgic setting and a fresh approach to cartoonish pixilation. The short is co-directed by Daan Velsink and Joost Lieuwma of Dutch studio Frame Order.

In just under three minutes Golden Oldies showcases a whirlwind of techniques: pixilation, live-action, and digital 2D, with lots of greenscreen and old-school props. It took the dedicated team of (traditionally 2D) animators four months to produce the film. After watching the film, check out our visual essay below with comments from both of the directors.

If you like the film, please share it with your friends on Vimeo, Facebook, and Youtube.

Golden Oldies Visual Making-Of Essay


Extra-exaggerated Anticipation Taught_sometime Reverse Slow-motion Likeasandcastle Rotoscoping Switch Gagstechnique

Tunde Vollenbroek

Tunde Vollenbroek is a writer at Cartoon Brew, focusing on issues related to professional development. She is currently the head of programming at KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival, and a producer at Studio Pupil.

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